Beware the Audit!
Posted: February 15, 2017
Are you one of the countless business owners who are going about their pursuits, dealing with the many challenges we face each day, when one day, you get an email from your insurance agent containing an invoice for an audit? "An audit?", you ask yourself. "$5,000 invoice??" "I don't even have insurance with that company anymore". "What? I'm calling my agent!". Remember when the representative...
Rental Property Insurance Tip - Lender Requirements
Posted: July 24, 2015
So you've just committed to refinancing your rental property. You've got the new cap rate all worked out. Your going to pocket some extra money this year. Then two days until closing, your lender asks for your insurance. You gladly hand over your Evidence of Property Insurance that your insurance agent provided. The lender promptly rejects it accompanied by a breakout of the requirements they had...
Welcome to Our Blog
Posted: May 28, 2012
Welcome to our blog! We are excited about the opportunity to be able to reach out to you on a regular basis with insurance information and local news or events. Of course, we welcome your thoughts and ideas, so please let us know what you think or if there are any questions you have for us. We're more than happy to help!...